Friday, January 8, 2010

About The Day Trading Scalping System

Day trading - scalping is a stock trading strategy that takes advantage of low trade fees and fast speeds to make large amounts of low risk trades that involve entering and exiting a position in a matter of seconds. These traders take advantage of the bid-ask spread--the difference between the highest price that a seller is willing to give for a security and the lowest advertised by any buyer--along with short term trends in a stock to make profits.

1. A scalping day trader has an inordinately fast-paced day. They are a pure specimen of day trader--they aren't interested in how a stock is performing in a minute or hour, but rather whether they can turn a profit off of it in an instant. They may lose money on many of the trades that they make, but none of them are likely to carry significant risk because of the short time periods involved and the usually small amounts of shares being traded. Scalpers can scale their operations up and down easily.

2. Scalping may sound like a get-rich-quick scheme because practitioners take large risks. Where there is no risk, there is low potential for profit, especially in the field of day trading. Stock prices can oscillate unpredictably from instant to instant, making scalping no better than gambling if not practiced intelligently with reference to the bid-ask spread of the security.

3. Scalpers look for high-activity securities for their trade. The greater the froth in the price, the more chances there are for scalpers to make a quick profit. It's an advanced trading technique, because scalpers need to be extraordinarily fast with their trading interface and up to date with their trades. The speed needed may necessitate an advanced internet connection and special trading equipment like a Bloomberg Terminal. Some scalpers are employed at professional day trading operations or within larger financial corporations.

4. Scalping does not require heavy stock research because the positions are held for such a small amount of time. Scalping is an excellent trading system for individuals who are very fast and more interested in stock trading as a sort of game of skill rather than an intensive mix of research, timing and learning new strategies. Scalpers look for strong price movements in a potentially wide catalog of stocks and dart in and out of each of them for little chunks of profit.

5. Scalping allows day traders to control their risk in real time. They don't have to wait for a trade to flip around their way--they exit the trade instantly if it looks like it will lose them money and lock in profits rapidly. The short durations of the trades preclude many more complex strategies like laddering share purchases or aiming at passively managed asset growth. It does require a great deal of skill--although it may sound easy, few are able to perform well at it without significant practice and sharp instincts.

1 comment:

  1. Interested as this suit my style! But will do back-testing first to confirm the methods!
