Thursday, December 24, 2009

Working till Sunday morning

Well...this is a norm for me to work during festive time as I don't have no plan to do any partying or drinking. The most....sit at home to watch Korean drama and eating tit-bit at the same time.

Yes....entered a couple of trades this morning before going to sleep. Bought Noble at 3.16 but it closed at problem about it. Also bought Yuexiu Property ( former Guangzhou Investment ) at HK$2.21 and it closed at HK$2.22. At same nothing for my Epure except to watch it drops to 72.5 cents. At one was at 74 cents and I was thinking of cutting loss but just too tired to wait, so went to sleep.

Merry X'mas everyone.....and god blessed.


  1. Next week....New Year day...same same. I will be working during that time too. So....already used to be working during festive time lor.
